Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Catalog

I've been messing with the new catalog and really having fun learning something new. It will be interesting when the patrons have access to it; we'll really be bombarded with quetions, I imagine.

I'm wondering how it will work for the under 13 kiddos. Will parents freak or will it be easy and self-explanitory? My 12 year old is annoyed that he doesn't get to make up his user name from scratch but has only pre-set words to work with (color, animal, number?). Whatever, kid! Little freedoms mean a lot to this age group, I guess. I'm glad he's restricted. It will give him time to get to know how it works.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Quickie task 5

This is not an interesting post, in case you were intrigued by my title.

Whew--I'm racing the clock.

I subscribed to these library sites because they looked interesting:

But, now that Anita and Elf have pointed out, why waste my time doing anything else? I can teach my kids about smoking, drinking horses!
All done.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Food is good!

I'd have to say, after browsing the award winning web 2.0 sites, that Urbanspoon is cool and something I will actually use. My family travels a lot (well, nothing fancy), and we like to try restaurants that are sit-down places, not just fast-food, "just passing through town" kinds of places.

Tim, being the optimistic type, likes to happen upon cool, tasty restaurants--you know, that super awesome Honduran place that no one knows about. Searching for that needle in the haystack can take up valuable time. I, on the other hand, don't like to listen to whining, hungry traveling kiddos, and prefer a map and a recommendation. Urbanspoon it is!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A really cool place

Here's my unit 2 assignment. It's not book related but life related. It's about a very cool experience I had. I huffed it up to the top of Hearney Peak in the Black Hills. It's the tallest mountain east of the Rockies and West of the Pyrenees. My husband and oldest son and I took the alternate route up--the super steep and totally exhausting route (apparently there is a "family friendly" route that is a bit easier). That hike was very difficult for me. I thought my lungs were going to burst! And there were some places where I could only take a few steps and have to rest before taking another few steps. Of course I was worried, too, about my son. It turns out he's got his father's lungs and is, in fact, part mountain goat, so there was no need for concern. Once we were at the top of the lookout tower (see above photo) and saw lightning BELOW us, we decided to snap a few pictures and get the heck out of there. It was amazing!

Monday, November 9, 2009

First time blogging. As is always the case, getting started is the hardest part! Viewing problems as learning opportunities is perhaps the most difficult habit for me; I like life to run along smoothly. Beginning a project with a goal in mind comes naturally, so that habit is probably the easiest for me.